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Igniting Your Dragon Consciousness

Igniting Your Dragon Consciousness

Uniting Love and Power

Dear Soul Family

As we ready ourselves to conclude 2023 through reflection, integration whilst reconciling the unprecedented ways in which humanity has been initiated, we are also prepare to enter a completely new cycle that demands that we show up more in Leadership.

Initiating our Masculine Identity

2024 is the year that initiates our masculine Identity through the womb of the feminine. The Divine Masculine is returning to this planet as a Holy & benevolent King who wishes to be in service to his divine counterpart, the feminine mother. It is through the union of the two aspects who have been separated through eons of time that will ignite our Dragon Consciousness: This is the Fierce & Benevolent Leadership of the Crowned King And Queen that serves humanity through Love, Devotion & infinite Wisdom. These two wings that come together to ignite the wisdom of love, unity and wholeness.

The Year of Dragon will support us to heal our relationship with money, power, success and leadership through the 13 codes of creation. Most humans that feel called to serve humanity through their creativity, healing and light work shy away from position of power, leadership and material success because of the way these energies have been abused in humanity.

Igniting Your Dragon Consciousness:

Uniting Love and Power

Igniting Your Dragon Consciousness: Uniting Love and Power is a series of mentorship programs, wilderness retreats, online mastery sessions and workshops that will support you to show up for the lessons of 2024 in the areas of power, money and leadership; To support the mystical woman or man to step into the foreground of Leadership and overcome the fear of being a benevolent and fierce leader in every aspect of life.

Humanity needs light workers in these areas of life to enact the positive changes and it’s the wings of the dragon that support our sacred work and medicine to reach father then ever and for us to fly higher than we could have ever imagined.

The Dragon has the capacity to place the squirrel on its back to help it to see greater heights and travel farther distances, but there is also the potential of the squirrel to also awaken its Dragon Ambition and recognise that the Dragon is not outside of it, but this energy is actually within. This energy is the energy that has seeded all of life.

It is only ambition that had the capacity to birth the universe and humanity and catapult us to its expansion. It is only through the divines desire & mad burning passion that it could travel to the farthest parts of the universe to birth you into existence. It is through learning from the medicine that seeded and ignited us that we are able to be catapulted to our greatness and magnificence.

The World Needs New Leaders

The world needs the passion, fire and power of your magic, wisdom, creativity and sacred medicine. It is time to plough deep into the root of the fear of your success and greatness, to ignite that flame from Love. We all love what we do and it is time to remember “The Love that Ignited our Existence” and keep flowing in alignment with the pulse and sacred rhythm of the divine dance and momentum of this fierce love for “What We Do”.. Your work is your Art & life’s passion and the relationship with “your life work” is very sacred.

When we work with our Dragon consciousness we transform fear into love, and the energy of enslavement into passion, devotion and focus; We learn how to dance as the divine through every aspect of life and we birth from ecstasy, everyone becomes our beloved & we understand that this is how we were always meant to create.

Co-creating with The Divine Masculine

Our Male Shakti is so powerful and sacred that we cannot fulfil the divine plan without it. This energy within us need to be brought into alignment to serve the greater good of humanity. It is time for the King and Queen within you to fall in love again and birth from that infinite joy and potential that was initially intended. If you feel that you are shying away from the fore ground of leadership by creating the glass ceiling in your own success story, Igniting your Dragon Consciousness is definitely the journey for you.

The year of the Dragon will challenge us in many ways, in love, power, money & healing our relationship with the feminine Earth. This is the reason why I have birthed technology, sacred tools and systems that will support you to maximise your potential of soul expansion, sacred empowerment, illumination and soul growth.

This journey is not for the faint hearted, but for individuals that are ready to be initiated through the sacred mysteries of the dark womb of the Maddonna to Awaken their Dragon Consciousness, to hold mastery at an unprecedented level through love, power, leadership and inner union.

The divine mother is excited to co-create with those that are ready to birth new paradigms around Leadership, business, money, relationships and holding sacred space for community and the Feminine Earth. These are individuals will be supported to heal their masculine identity & be woven back to the feminine, flow, integrity, love, bringing more light and new business codes that are aligned with the new earth that supports all to thrive.

If you feel called and inspired to step further into the foreground of leadership please see the exciting Programs and offers that I have below.

Igniting Your Dragon Consciousness

Through The Wisdom of Water

Connected to the great oceans, rivers and waterfalls of the Earth, The Mandawe spirit heals our lost connection to water by purifying our inner waters and singing us back to love.

Through working with the Wisdom of the Ocean, Gogo Sophia will holding the space to connect with this Ancient Lineage of the Primordial Ancestors & Water Dragons and to support one to begin to heal the ancient ancestral outdated stories around love, heartache, emotions, sexual shame, grief and separation to support you to liberate the energies of divine flow, ecstatic expression, passion and ecstatic birthing.

Through song, dance, Shakti yoga & water reverence, this Wilderness Retreat in the wild coastal regions of Kwa Zulu Natal will be like a home coming as the space will be held to connect with your most Ancient Ancestors and return to the womb of the Earth and the primordial birth mother.

What to Expect:

Understand Water, the feminine & Sensual energy

Accessing the Primordial wisdom of Water

Returning to the Womb of the Mother

Connecting to the Whale & Dolphin codes

Raising the Vibration of our inner Waters

Releasing Toxic emotions

Restoring vibrancy, vitality and aliveness in your inner waters

Being Empowered through Dance, Rhythm, movement & Shakti

Experience the power of Femneogens( plant medicines)

Water is essential to a woman's well being and our connection to water is ancient and sacred. The intelligence of water connects us to our soul gifts, receptivity to love, abundance, flow & our emotional being.

All of humanity is birthed through water and once we leave the inner waters of our mother, we must continue to nurture our relationship with our inner and outer waters through our emotional intelligence. Our inner waters are sensitive to our emotions and healing our inner waters purify our toxic emotions can aid our bodies in creating flow, restoring nourishment & wellbeing and sustaining vibrant health

Retreat Details


Thurs 01 st Feb - Sun 4th February 2024


Blythdale KZN South Africa

Energy Exchange:

Local R 16 000/ International airport $ 2 000

Inclusive of Retreat Cost, food & accommodation.

Excl flights/ transfer Cost

Igniting Dragon Consciousness through Love, Alchemy & Transcendence

I am so excited to be offering these Sacred Teachings that have been inspired by my 17 years of training with Tibetan & Zen Masters. I will be working with Ancient Tibetan tools & technology to support you to return to your heart and break down the barrier and veils that sits within your heart & ego.

Stalking the Dragon

In the East & Tibet, Dragons have always been a symbol of enlightenment, spiritual awakening representing the masculine yang principle, of movement, change, strength of the sky, wealth, energy and creativity. We stalk our inner “Dragon” the beast within so that we can transcend the limitation of our “monkey mind” and lower human ego and step into the higher realms of existence and divine expression.

Igniting our Yang Essence

Through our past traumatic experiences, the limbic brain which is the yang masculine essence that had to fight, go into battle and survive & continues to override the heart through fear, control, greed, power and survival. This is the post traumatic stress that ails humanity today. Through this journey into the cave of the Dragon, we will through times we can begin to understand the unhealthy mental programs that govern the mind and block the mind-heart connection. We hold our masculine principle with deep compassion and love through processing the pain of eons of time from being separated from its mother `& feminine counterpart. We stop resenting our inner patriarch and offer clemency, comfort and unconditional love. Here through the black womb of the Madonna, he is born again as a Grail King and sacred protector of this realm, the protector of the Cosmic Heart of Humanity.

Yeshua & The Black Maddona

Love, Alchemy & Transcendence will also reference the teachings of the Black Madonna & Yeshua, who have both traveled to India and Tibet to be exposed to Tibets Ancient Medicine, Wisdom & Dragon Alchemy. Through being held by such powerful Avatars in sacred space you have the opportunity to awaken your cosmic heart & reclaim the sacred balance within you, to rescue your wounded masculine to dance with your inner feminine. You have the opportunity through working with meditation & somatically using breath work, Shakti yoga, sound & movement to travel through the journey of love and forgiveness to nurture and midwife your inner masculine( Yang Dragon Consciousness) to be sacredly devoted to your feminine and for your feminine to begin to trust & feel safe with the masculine and this Dragon Power again. The Buddha has through time always used the Dragon as its Vehicle.

Love & Alchemy

For those that have endured hard-ache and pain through love, you will begin the journey of understanding the beast within & step outside the realm of the ego, to free yourself from the rational mind and start to better embrace the language of your feelings, body & spirit. You will start to reconcile and release wounds, aches, hurts, and beliefs so that you can step deeper into our vulnerability & receptivity.

You will be supported through mindfulness meditation and energy medicine to break down outdated belief systems, personality depositions and mental constructs that create veils and imprIson the heart. The technology, teachings and transmission flowing through are inspired and backed by the Ascended Master Yeshua and Sidharta Gautama, but are not in any way based on an religious affiliations.

Union of Yin and Yan

I have especially been inspired by Master Boannara Sunim who has taught me to marry the Ancient Zen teachings of meditation and Energy Medicine to heal the mind and awaken the Heart. This is the Marriage of Yin, which is meditation and stillness, as well as the Yang essence of somatic movement and healing that are bothe brought together into the space to restore healing and ignite wisdo

Benefits include but not Limited to:

Embracing emptiness and Stilling the Mind

Clearing and Releasing Negative Mental Fields

Embracing Sacred Union( Uniting the left

& right brain hemisphere)

Aligning with the infinite flow of love

Overcoming the fear of intimacy

Clearing negative Ancestral Patterns in relationships

Dissolving blocks to expand to Receive Love

Healing the Heart chakra & transcending the mind

Embracing love as a soul's journey

Clearing the collective imbalance of Divine Feminine and Masculine within

Evolving to self-Love, self knowing, and self-Responsibility

Awakening to Divine Intervention in relationships

Returning to the Garden of Eden

Reviving the Grail Mysteries with you

Awakening your truth in sacred partnerships

What you receive:

4 full day nature retreat immersion in live teachings, guided meditation practice, channeled healing, embodiment techniques, yoga and breath work including food & Accomodation.

Magoebaskloof, Limpopo

To book or make an inquiry, please email me.


Thursday the 27th June - Tuesday the 2nd July 2024

Song of Sophia: Wilderness Retreat

Returning to the Land & Healing the Past

When we are rooted to the primordial mother, she has the capacity to support, nurture & empower us; she can support us to thrive as we reconnect with her heart beat & pulse. She is an Ancient Deity that our human soul has chosen to learn from, and this is why we are here, to embody her wisdom. When we learn to engage with her, she unlocks the key fundamentals of our spiritual and human evolution. We return home to our bodies, awaken to joy, overcome disease, heal our relationships & reconnect to all of life. It is through being reparented by mother earth that we feel alive again.

This years Sacred Pilgrimage to connect with Mama Africa is in the Heart of Botswana. We will embark on a sacred and mystical journey with the The Kung Bushmen who reside in the remote and untouched parts of the North West of Botswana. Through an intimate circle, we will embark on sacred healing journey to the heart of Tsodillo wells & to connect to the serpent wisdom of the Cosmic Mother at the most Ancient and revered sacred Site.

This is a journey not to me missed, as it includes river rafting tour & nature walks in the Ukuvango Delta as well as being immersed in the the wisdom, medicine and culture of the most Ancient of the first people on the planet. The Kung.

What to expect:

Learning to connect with the Land as your oldest Ancestors

Understanding the split between humans & nature

Reconnecting with Mother Earth

Heal base chakra wounds & return to your body

Feel at home where you live; regardless of who you are

Heal your relationship with the Ancestors of land

Learn foundational practices & rituals around honouring Earth as a Deity

Begin to heal personal wounds around earth-disconnection

Working with animal guides to embrace our primal wisdom

Ritually greeting & feeding the Earth

Being reparented by nature as an Ancestor

Heal the wounded feminine

Sacred Empowerments, Activations & Initiations

Working with the four elements & medicine wheel

Basic understanding of Earth shamanism

This trip is arranged for September 2024

Details for the Sacred Pilgrimage are available on request.

1 on 1 12 month mentorship with Gogo Sophia


Work exclusively with Gogo Sophia!

This includes 26 1 on 1 90 min live activations from Gogo Sophia.

When you work with Gogo Sophia as a midwife she supports you to give birth to yourself in a way that does not interfere, But allows the most natural and organic unfolding of your soul's path. She works with your “I AM PRESENCE”, your own personal “AVATAR” who is the motherboard of your creation. This “AVATAR KNOWS THE WAY”. Your AVATAR is “THE WAY”.

She support you to break down the conditions around accessing your own inner gnosis; to believe in yourself and to see your own inner beauty, to see that you hold all the treasures and gifts and that there is nothing you need outside of yourself. There is immense healing that takes place, breaking of old conditionings, pain, trauma, belief systems. This is broken down by your own inner light and the light of your soul, which she supports you to cultivate.

Please request quote

Mentorship Journey Explores:

Winged King & Queen

This King and Queen live within us as the highest potential for humanity to thrive. When two wings of the dragon merge, it awakens an understanding that there is co-creation, peace, mutual respect, understanding, acceptance, tolerance of diverse thinking, choices and wisdom, there will be Oneness, a big bird that holds two wings in balance.The principle of Twoness: Ubuntu pacifies aggression, control and domination because it maintains within all of us a healthy sense of pride & benevolence.

Dismantling our Own Limitations

It is through my sacred initiation through the deserted wilderness of Egypt that I discover that Human beings are unquantifiable entities, you cannot quantify or calculate the human spirit who’s identity is inherent in emptiness. As humans we have forced our b-e-i-n-g that is inherently boundless into false human systems through culture, religion, gender identification which continue to fracture the Human spirit and halt its multidimensionality in the physical body.

We have to understand that the human spirt is hollow, no-thing and that is the reason why he is so special because she can ultimately birth from infinity and transcend limitations even within the body.

Transcendence as A New Way of Life

Embodying our Dragon Consciousness is about transcendence; Trance-ding the limitations we have placed on ourself whilst also removing the projections that other have place on us through systems of bondage, enslavement, indoctrination and false gnosis. It is about awakening to the infinitive self, that is free, sovereign and ultimately creates from joy and love.

It is about transforming our relationships and the way that we co-create with others. It is about weaving new patterns and systems around governance, governing ourselves and through that enables the self organising principles of the Divine from the purest form of divinity to flow through us as self governance into the Earth to organise the Earth and restore align the Earth with the Sacred Symmetry of our Krystal Consciousness.

Awakening The Cosmic Heart

This journey is the deepest and most sacred journey into the cosmic heart of creation to collectively ignite this cosmic pulse and awaken the kundalinini & hidden mysteries of the Earth to animate Life. We access the motherboard of creation through initiating our masculine identity through love, devotion, sacred accountability so that the feminine can come so much into full trust of her divine counterpart that she awakens as the Serpentine energy called Umililo( Kundulini) who’s energy spirals through all cycles of creation, through the sacred Rose, the flower of life and creation, the 13 points of creation.

She is our primordial identity that wishes to be remembered, she wishes to embed herself in our wombs as the Divine Shakti that gives us life, beauty, wealth and vitality. She wishes to break the curse of poverty consciousness, separation, polarity and unearth humanities pure true Gold and awaken the Golden Age of prosperity, peace and abundance.

Love & Power

The year of the Dragon will challenge us in many ways, in love, power, money & healing our relationship with the feminine Earth. This is the reason why I have birthed technology, sacred tools and systems that will support you to maximise your potential of soul expansion, sacred empowerment, illumination and soul growth.

Sacred Leadership

This journey is not for the faint hearted, but for individuals that are ready to be initiated through the sacred mysteries of the dark womb of the Maddonna to Awaken their Dragon Consciousness, to hold mastery at an unprecedented level through love, power, leadership and inner union.

Igniting the journey of the Day Keepers

These are the Day Keepers that will be called to co-create with the divine mother to birth new paradigms around Leadership, business, money, relationships and holding sacred space for community and the Feminine Earth. The Day Keepers through individual mentorship, workshops, Wilderness Retreat programs and online empowerment courses will be supported to heal their masculine identity & be woven back to the feminine, flow, integrity, love, bringing more light and new business codes that are aligned with the feminine earth,

What Others Have to Say:

Working with Gogo Sophia

“All I can say is thank you…no words can describe what I’m experiencing…all is coming shifts are happening very quickly…I could get emotional now…I Know what I’m meant to do with the rest of my life…this feels so right…I’m receiving so many messages & downloads and yet there is so much stillness, I’m in a beautiful place and I feel very honored to be on this path with you.”

"Thank you dear Gogo Sophia for holding impeccable space as I embark on this life affirming voyage back to basics. Back home to me. I constantly give thanks that you yourself are on your journey and have been steadfast in your persuit. I honour your teachers and am blessed to be part of this lineage. I thank my higher self for finding you and orchestrating it so beautifully and divinely. Thank you for the high standards and beauty. "

“Working with Gogo Sophia has supported me in connecting more clearly and openly to the Medicine of the Dragons and knowing deeply within myself this is my path and the Medicine I have been gifted; together with feeling confident that I may share the Medicine of the Dragons with whom may need it.

"This journey has been one of death and rebirth, death of your old self, your conditioning, your outdated beliefs, old traumas, and old trapped emotional states. This in then replaced by the birthing of new gifts, new insights, new connections, and new dreams.”

"When I started working with Gogo Sophia, I struggling for years with severe depression, the battle began in 2019. I started working with Gogo Sophia, April of 2022 was the last time I ever felt any form of depression. I haven’t felt any depression since then. On that day that we did our closing ceremony, I knew with such conviction that this would be the last time I would be confronted with this, so thank you Gogo Sophia, your work is really powerful."

Would You like to sign up and make an inquiry?

Please sign the form below & book a clarity call:

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