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Year of the Dragon

New Year Intensions &

    Vibrational Resets

Embracing a New Cycle

January is always an exciting time to set new intentions, align with your goals and receive an energetic reset to power start your journey. Compared to the end of the year, January always feels like a time where time stands still.


To many, this may seem frustrating & confusing as though one is in limbo, but I always see it as an opportunity to become more clear about your “sacred intentions’ and planting new seeds for the year. Being in the unknown allows us to open up to new potentials and possibilities, while the ground is still dark, full of potential and fertile. We can allow ourselves to reflect on the emotions, fears and challenges that are coming to the surface so that we can love them free & plant new seeds.


Place of The Rising Sun

The hesitation, inertia & fear could just be an arrow to the east, the place of the rising sun, where we are guided to re-align our hearts & what we truly desire rather than fixate on what is only visible to us. If our reality is mirroring the opposite of what we desire, we still have the month of January to make new choices and take new actions to turn it all around.

The opposite polarity often inspires us to shout out what we actually truly desire and this is a beautiful set point because it allows us to consciously walk away from the 3D horizontal trance because it's so clear and visible to us. If you don’t like the current film that's playing, change it by stepping outside of time & inviting the universe, planets and elements that are available to transform it.

The Eagle of the East 

In the direction of the East we are called to reconnect with our soul mission and truly ask for the support, clarity and guidance around what is going to support us to live our most authentic and divine nature, to walk 2024 in the most joyful, progressive and empowering way. Let us dare to dream this January, whilst also creating the strong foundation for our dreams to take fort. I have created a beautiful package to support you to go into sacred intention, prayer & reset your mind, body and soul vibrationally to align with your divine map for 2024.

Please have a look below.

2024 Energetic Clearing & Health Reset
Whilst this is such a magical time for setting sacred intentions, aligning with our goals, dreams & soul desires, we often come against so much stress, uncertainty, fear, mass panic, chaos, confusion, which can increase our risk of illness and throw us out of alignment. Our bodies need to be supported to hold the energetics for our own soul embodiment.
 energetic & Health Reset can support you if your immune system is feeling compromised, you're exhausted or tired from external chaos or when you have been triggered into health related “fear” programs. I have created a 3 part combo that supports you to boost your immune system, clear radiation, EMF, unplug from the matrix and work through solar plexus fears.

Image by James Wainscoat

Medicine of the Humming bird

As the archetype for the North direction, hummingbird represents the courage required to embark on an epic journey. Seemingly not built for flight, hummingbirds migrate over the Atlantic every year from Brazil to Canada. When we feel we do not have enough time, money or know-how for what we are attempting, we call on humming bird to provide the courage and guidance necessary for success.


Hummingbird never loses its sense of direction or its drive to press forward, and never wonders if it has enough food or strength for its voyage. Once touched by the energies of this archetype, we are propelled on our own epic journey that eventually leads us back to our source, where our spirit was germinated.

Awakening Your Will Power
Nothing can unfold without our will power. For most of humanity, the visions remain un-manifest, yearned for and yet not expressed, enacted and implemented.
Part of that has to do with self doubt, fatigue, complacency & lack of belief
in oneself. There's a deep disconnect between the direction of the East & North.

There is an alchemical journey with every goal as we cycle from the East direction of conception, to the North of Humming bird; Giving birth and taking action.

I'm offering a 1 on 1 session to take you through your inner medicine wheel through a shamanic journey of sowing your seeds in the east and initiating them through your inner labyrinth and personal directions.

They say that when the work and the battle is first won within, it can gracefully happen externally.

What appears in your Physical reality is a manifestation of the Labyrinth that you have walked with, all the obstacles that you have encountered, shifted and transformed through the alchemical fire of the Sun, the fire of the Dragon Solar Sun.

Shamanic Dreaming & Birthing

We often don't feel worthy of our dreams, passions & desires whether its birthing a new business, the relationships we desire or the new dynamics & sacred re-patterning's that we deeply yearn for. Third Chakra, which is the solar plexus, the place of your Personal Power and your outward projection of Confidence and Worth. 

The Sun's Solar Light can be strengthening towards one's Body, Heart, and Mind. The Sun, Ra can be a Spiritual Source which imparts the gift of love's purity. This is about aligning your will with Divine will. 

In our session together, we will work with the fire of the Sun to germinate the seeds of your sacred intentions within your inner labyrinth so that they can gracefully unfold over your 13 moon cycle around the Sun.


Journey with the Archetype of the Hummingbird
Plant seeds & Ignite your inner Labrythn 
Clear Solar Plexus of negative beliefs and self doubt
Awaken the higher mind & take flight
Unplug from mass consciousness fears.
Disconnect from outdated ancestral woundings a
round power
Connect to your Solar Essence
Release anger and rage
Awaken your inner power
Deepen connection with Source

Health Upgrade & energetic detox
Clear fogginess, confusion and sadness
Releasing Fear from the body
Releasing physical and mental toxins and miasma,
Experience Upgrades in your energetic system
Releasing emotional stagnation and frozenness,
Energizing the energy systems
May Support you to unplug from mass consciousness
Supporting you to feel more connected, aligned and grounded.


Energy Exchange


90 minute Clearing & Shamanic Dreaming Session







Time: Available from now until the end of January

Place: Zoom Online


Places are limited so please email me if interested.


About Gogo Sophia

Through her work as a traditional healer, Gogo Sophia incorporates animistic frameworks & indigenous knowledge systems as a way to diagnose & heal, incorporating partnership with the Ancestors, Avatars of light, elements of nature and ancient powers, as a way to restore harmony and balance with oneself and the world.


She also works very strongly with the Divine mother Sophia to support humanity in the reclamation and healing of the feminine body through facilitating women’s rites of passage, priestess apprenticeships & holding women’s sweat lodges & sacred pipe circles. 

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