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Pink Flower Bloom

Awakening the Cosmic Heart

Healing with the Divine Masculine

Pink Rose

Awakening the Cosmic Heart

Do you feel called to heal with the Masculine?
Are you ready to step into a deep process of forgiveness, journey back to love
and heal the heart chakra?
Are you ready to Marry Yourself?

Join me on the journey of Awakening The Cosmic Heart with the Avatar Lord Yeshua. This is a deep, powerful & soulful journey of healing and transformation into the valley of love, forgiveness, compassion, trust and devotion. Through working with the Avatar Yeshua, using breath work, sacred sound as well as the sacred teacher plant Ixcacao-raw chocolate, you will enter the four chambers of your heart to release false aspects of the ego that keep you separated from merging with the divine masculine.

Working with the Avatar


Experience a powerful source of guidance & the opportunity to explore and sit with the stories of the heart and to identify areas that are causing you restriction, limitation and pain.


Yeshua is a Solar King & truly devoted to support the in union of the masculine and feminine in humanity. He embodies one of the purest masculine archetypes that we can have access to today. His sacred initiation & re-birth through the Christed feminine womb supports us to merge our cosmic consciousness with the primordial aspects of ourselves, where the masculine deeply falls in love with the feminine & they beautifully dance together.


He will be the inner plane guide through this journey through the four chambers of the heart.

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Be Guided through the 4 Chambers
of The Heart

Through this personal journey, you will be guided through the  4 chambers in the heart to unravel, clear and release the stories of betrayal, rejection, abandonment & fear from the masculine allowing yourself to be released from the grasp of the ego and liberate your illuminated heart .


This process will immensely support you to  step into new cycles of healthy relationship and dynamics in your life accesing deeper levels of truth, trust, surrender and love.

First Chamber: Healing your inner masculine

We have killed the sacred masculine & replaced him with the ego as a Ruler. The inner feminine within us all needs to seek out & heal the disparate parts of our wounded masculine so we are once again, whole, powerful & fertile. For then we are able to seed & manifest our true hearts authentic life externally.

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Second chamber : Healing love & other Partnerships


A truly sacred union is not possible without the initiation of awakening to sacred union within. One must transcend any emotional attachments, hopes or desires by

surrendering completely to the highest will. This is where one takes vows to wed themselves for their spiritual path. Once this has taken place you are able to merge the

masculine and feminine energies outside of yourself in a sacred partnership.


Fourth Chamber:

The Cosmic Masculine and

returning to the Divine Father


Healing our 4th Chamber nurtures our relationship with the Cosmos and Cosmic Father. Once we have healed our inner masculine and feminine, it enables us toopen the energetic channels of the mental, emotional and physical bodies to channel the essence of God or Goddess to anchor the frequency of harmonic union

of opposites in the wider field of our world and reality.


By creating divine balance in the microcosm, you become a custodian ensuring balance and harmony for your land and people.

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Benefits may include;

Understanding the Wounded Patriarch

Exploring The False King Tyranny

Navigating The Lower Ego

Healing the Heart Chakra

Embracing Sacred Union

Aligning with the infinite flow of love

Overcoming the fear of intimacy

Clearing negative Ancestral Patterns in relationships

Dissolving blocks to expand to Receive Love

Healing the Heart chakra & Returning to Innocence

Embracing love as a souls journey

Clearing the collective imbalance of the Divine Masculine within

Evolving to self-Love, self knowing, and self-Responsibility

Awakening to Divine Intervention in all relationships

Returning to the Garden of Eden

Awakening to Sacred Equanimity

Igniting the Flow of Creation 

Awakening the Sacred Heart will be a 5 session immersion with Gogo Sophia into the 4 chambers of your heart, psychic surgery, channeled healing and sound journey will support you to move heart woundings and traumas. This will also be an immersion into deep process work with the medicine of Cacao( raw chocolate) to allow the heart chakra to receive spiritual guidance and healing from a deeper level. You will also be guided on how to integrate the healing in between sessions as well as be equipped with new tools, rituals and practices you can do in your daily life to anchor these energies and allow for deeper healing.

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Working with Lord Yeshua

The divine masculine is committed and ready to override the false patriarchy that has been masqueraded as his false identity. His true identity is a love that is infinite and is free of any agendas, A love that honours the feminine and understands that this feminine is both his mother and his sacred beloved. He knows that by honouring, loving, supporting and exalting her is to return home to himself. It is through this alchemical union that she blossoms & opens to love & forgiveness. 

Working with Teacher plant Cacao


Cacao is feminine, wise and also a great plant spirit to work together with, and it can impart wisdom as well as open up the emotional body to let go of what is not needed, to move to the next level of emotional integration. 


The plant diet is formally opened in the workshop ceremonially by myself as the facilitator, which means the master plant is invited to work in partnership with the participants, and the diet will also be formally closed at the end of the retreat, sealing the energy of the completed plant diet. The stronger your personal focus and intention, the more you will get out of the plant diet process. 


The Master plant is not a visionary plant per se, but its energy, intelligence and presence settles and develops in the body and it begins to focus on deep core issues which can be resolved in order to heal and transform, as well as allow major perceptual shifts. 


Often its teachings can arrive through insights or dreams. It is advised that you spend time mainly focusing on yourself and your process in order to commune deeply with the plant. This means you should slow down, rest, maintain and observe as much isolation as possible and be self-reflective so that you can connect better. It is a good idea to keep a diary or journal to track your personal process and learnings. 

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What you Receive

5 x 1hr zoom or in person channeled healing, transmissions &  process work


4x mp3 integration audio meditations & healing


5x pdf manuals of practical wisdom & embodied tools


Energy Exchange:


 R 4444 or $ 488

Payment plans available!





Glass rosette

Facilitator of Sacred Space

High Priestess Sophia is a transformational Spiritual Life coach, Womb priestess & Sacred feminine Leadership facilitator. She has spoken on many media platforms & global conferences about the role of the matriarch in the wellbeing of community, businesses and relationships. Through her work she supports both men & women to awaken and embody the Divine Feminine principle to birth a new reality around their life, work, relationships and birthing a new paradigm in humanity that support "all"to thrive.
All of Gogo Sophia’s workshops are dynamic, lively and interactive. During the workshop Gogo Sophia also channels healing while each participant receives the opportunity to do deep process work and receive soul coaching.
Gogo Sophia will support you to heal the wound of separation from your divinity, the feminine principle and your relationship with all of life. From this healing you are able to reclaim your true authentic power and divine expression so that you can channel that into your leadership, career, relationships and life purpose. This is about changing the paradigm of leadership; self leadership & embodying the tools to support you to navigate the changes that are happening in humanity today so that you can thrive and embrace your highest destiny.

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our magical journey together.

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Weltevreden Park



South Africa

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