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Healing The Motherline

Return Home to yourself

1 h
$2 000 per series
Location 1

Service Description

Healing the mother line We are all connected to our mother through the womb space, which carries the ancestral karma, patterns and woundings of our Maternal line. When we look at them from the perspective of the victim, these ancestral woundings can often seem to create limitations in our spiritual growth and create blockages in our path to success and the pursuit of our dreams. But when observed from the perspective of the victor, these imprints can become a road map to our heroines journey, soul lessons and the activation of our spiritual gifts. What are the blessings of our Ancestors? What can we truly learn from the lessons that come from our grandmothers and their historical narrative that can shed light on our path to awakening? Consciously journeying through the ascension and descension of our mother-line allows us to return back with the sacred gifts of our feminine reconstruction, which can truly enrich our lives. As the Goddess, we have ultimately chosen to descend into the underworld to learn from the shadow of our ancestors and reweave ourselves back to into infinite light. The sacred marriage between heaven & Earth. A sacred journey through the mother-line allows us to be completely naked with ourselves and awaken to oneness with all of life and creation. To reconcile from past hurts and learn to love and make peace with all aspects of the self. With the medicine of Isis, she teaches us to use our wings to return to the past & shed the trappings of our former selves so that we can awaken to our true feminine nature and allow our Grandmothers to be healed and resurrected through us. This is the sacred service to our Ancestors and humanity at large. We are all seeded from the divine, and through this journey we heal the wound of separation from the Goddess so that we can gain access to the organic universal mother principle to transform our ancestral woundings to our gifts. Our grandmothers become our allies and support system. What to Expect: Understanding the Ancestral themes & patterns of your mother-line Healing connection to the Earth Mother Healing the feminine body Embracing the Cosmic Mother Clear ancestral body and sexual shame Dissolving old family patterns Clearing personal inherited patterns from the mother-line Dissolving limiting beliefs Clearing Ancestral Karmic chords Accessing the gifts of you heritage Earth & Divine Mother reconnection

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