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Love in A New Paradigm

Why focus on Relationships?

Healing relationships contrary to most spiritual beliefs, is the most crucial part of our soul evolutionand soul alignment. This is the foundation, support and the backdrop through which everything depends on. How we relate, collaborate & respect one another on this planet is everything. We have seen howrelationships define our reality, whether its a sado-masochistic, victim-victimiser, slave master & slave, the illusion behind these false identities need to be dissolved so that we can awaken to the true nature of whowe are & liberate ourselves from these outdated, dysfunctional relationship loops to access highervibrational realities.

The teachings of Lord Yeshua & Mary Magdalene remind us that in order to restore harmony on the planet & experience heaven on Earth, we have to anchor the practice ofsacred inner union and sacred union with others. The sacred feminine and masculine has been separated through eons of time due to the choices that we have made as humanity. It is because we have lost the capacity to fully come into union with ourselves that we birth from separation and attract partnership & negative false realities that reflect this wound.

How do we awaken to sacred union?

Whilst it has been such a powerful experience to liberate, free and awaken the divine feminine, which offers to humanity unprecedented blessings and immense gifts. It is also crucially important that this divine feminine is also being met by an equally powerful, vibrant and healed divine masculine. We cannot do it alone, but together we will thrive. This is what we deeply yearn for in our relationships & the way in which we need to show up in the world. We need to invite our brothers into the circle to be embraced, held, healed & supported to divinely co-create with us.

We need our brothers to hold sacred space for us to be initiated by the divine masculine so that we can heal the wounded masculine within ourselves. The divine feminine reaches their fullest potential through being held and supported by the divine masculine, through the divine infrastractureure that the masculine holds that the feminine can be expressed. Every house needs a foundation, and the masculine energy supports us to step into boldness, action & decisiveness in expressing our creativity and what it is we are birthing.

In our journey of awakening and soul evolution, it's so important that we are also metspiritually, sexually, mentally and creatively. In order to externally meet the mature masculine, when need to heal the wounded masculine within ourselves so that we can meet men that can holdus in the fullness and the depths of our evolved feminine.When a man and woman are meeting each other and showing up through what is being mirrored to them by their union, they are able to healtheir inner masculine and feminine, which strengthens their capacity to awaken to tantric union, the highest path available to spiritual couples at this time. This tantric union doesn't just createpowerful relationships, but is the foundation to creating a phenomenal world and ushering systems of change, awakening and transformation on a cosmic level.

The Lover: A Sacred Embodiment

I have decided to create a new offering to support each and everyone of you to take advantageof the energies of 2022 to confront negative relationship patterns, clear ancestral trauma around relationships & attract or awaken in your current partnerships, high frequency relationships. In order To attract true love, we truly have to awaken to fierce love of the self. This is something that we haven't been taught as children, and as adults, our relationships can only mirror the separation from the lover within.

It's time to remember that your role on this planet is to awaken to unconditional love for the self, tobecome love itself. Within you is a map to your original love story, which has been interrupted through external projections and false perception of humanity and the lower false ego. How do you uncover your true and original love story? By understanding the woundings that are held in your inner masculine and feminine, and where the original wound of separation is.

that supports you and your partner, to unravel any patterns that are stored around resisting being the vessel of love through the woundings of the masculine and feminine within you. Where are they in conflict? Where are they at war? When you dive into a deeper inquiry within the self you are able to call back parts of your soul essence that may have fragmented throughout time, in past relationships and ancestrally, so that you can fully come back home to yourselves, and rememberyour sacred purpose for being here on the planet at this time as well as be able to awaken to love.

Through the advance shamanic tantric practices, breath work and somatic healing you will be guided to meet yourtrue, original & authentic self and your own unique flavor of the union of the masculine & feminine you are being called to share with the world. Through working through your inner shadow you will meet your full embodied power as androgenic human, re-connecting to your center, your source of wisdom that supports you to fully connect to joy, sex, purpose, love and life to be balanced and whole within oneself.

This course is perfect for couples as well as those that are single & seeking to heal & move past previous relationship traumas, attracting a different kind of intimacy and partnership that is more in alignment with your higher-self. This journey aims to be a transcendental experience of love, to open yourself up to boundless energy of love and to fully awaken to the profound secret that you are birthed from love, and as the children & descendants of love, we shall return back to love in this New Era.


Embracing Sacred Union

Aligning with the infinite flow of love

Overcoming the fear of intimacy

Clearing negative Ancestral Patterns in relationships

Dissolving blocks to expand to Receive Love

Healing the Heart chakra & Returning to Innocence

Embracing love as a souls journey

Clearing the collective imbalance of Divine Feminine and Masculine within

Clearing false identity around relationships

Healing Sexual wounds & clearing sexual shame

Evolving to self-Love, self knowing, and self-Responsibility

Awakening to Divine Intervention in relationships

Returning to the Garden of Eden

Reviving the Grail Mysteries within you

Awakening to your truth in sacred partnerships

Work with Archetypes, power animals & inner plane guides

Identify how to get all your needs met

Learn how to create deeper intimacy & trust

Heal your sexual receptivity and pleasure potentials

Deepen your relationship with yourself

Open to life as a joyful, playful, ecstatic gift

Open to true abundance and the bountiful flow of life

Discover wounds that were in denial so they can heal

Become more self-aware & empowered

Accessing your ability to Co-create

Extraordinary shifts in consciousness

What You will Receive:

(14) 2 hour Live calls & recordings


One long weekend Sacred Union Retreat

Channeled Healing

Deep process Work

Tantric Breath work & movement

Working with the Avatars

Energy transmissions & empowerments

Online Course Begins: 22 February 2022

Time: 7-9pm

Early bird: Register before the 17th February

R890/ $100

After Early bird: R1250 &125 per month

R 1110 each when you register as a couples or $110

Fee: If doing another long term course R950 per month

Paid upfront: R 6230 including 2 free 90 minutes 1 on 1 sessions

About Your Facilitator: Gogo Sophia

High Priestess Sophia is a transformational Spiritual Life coach, Womb priestess & Sacred feminineLeadership facilitator. She has spoken on many media platforms & global conferences about therole of the matriarch in the wellbeing of community, businesses and relationships. Through her work she supports both men & women to awaken and embody the Divine Feminine principle to birth a new reality around their life, work, relationships and birthing a new paradigm humanity that supports "all"to thrive.

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